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Vision and intent for Science

The science ambassadors supported Mrs Van Straaten with our spring term launch of our new science principles.

Meet our science ambassadors:


We thought about what scientists look lie:

We are all scientists at Temple Meadow Primary School. Our science principles:

Our science ambassadors conducted an investigation in the assembly linked to forces:

We finally looked at current science affairs and watched the following Newsround clip;

3...2...1...lift off! Britain's first rocket launches soon - CBBC Newsround

Cultural capital considerations for Science

Given our context linked to high levels of deprivation, we are aware of the high need to support development of Temple Meadow pupils’ science capital. This is key to their future success in their next stage of eduction and in future life. We plan to ensure that the experiences we provide through our science curriculum and by connecting learning across subjects, gives them confidence and the capacity to succeed in the future and to support a long term aspiration of all UK pupils achieving in society. 

We were really pleased to invite Ian Botwright to Temple Meadow to deliver an exciting aim high, Kbot robotics event, to our Year 4 pupils. Children had the opportunity to build Kbots, changing the design to meet a range of criteria and explore how adaptations would allow their Kbot to win in the battles rounds. Children explored many scientific concepts and had to apply many prior science skills to evaluate and improve their robotics design linked to friction and weight distribution. Our pupils demonstrated excellent teamwork skills as they had to listen to each other’s ideas and work collaboratively to lead their team to success. 

Implementation of Science

We ensure pupils gain a clear understanding of often complex concepts by ensuring we allow for concrete and hands on practical learning as a means to develop abstract understanding. All investigations are designed to be child led and incredibly practical, to promote independence and develop team work and leadership skills that are needed for later life.

National Curriculum coverage

We implement all NC expectations for Science. At Temple Meadow we have generated enquiry based questions to support our SLI (Science Learning Intentions) for each lesson.

Science enquiry based questions

Enquiry based approach ensures:

  • We use thinking time effectively.
  • That we improve responses to questions to lead to more targeted, detailed and developed answers.
  • We unpick reliability, viewpoints and challenge ideas.
  • We improve engagement and focus.
  • We challenge and extend ideas and improve understanding.
  • We support pupils to question to a deeper level with focus and insight.

Strands and Long Term Plan

We have developed strands that allow pupils to develop knowledge and skills over time as they move through each year group. In Early Years the KUW (Knowledge and Understanding of the World) and PD (Personal development) area of learning includes Science skills.

Science overview (Long Term Plan)

Teacher view of the importance of Science

Knowledge organisers

Our aim is for  quality delivery and clarity of definitions throughout the school, supporting progression of knowledge and skills. Therefore, supporting each strand and for use in each learning episode there are agreed knowledge organisers.


Science is taught discreetly and there is a clear timetable slot.

Longitudinal study and continuous provision

Some elements of Science lend themselves to Longitudinal Studies.  These are studies over time. For example exploring the night sky is appropriately delivered as a Longitudinal Study – measuring and collating data throughout the year.

As a school, we believe that children should develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena through practical exploration. This will help them to develop a good understanding of the world around them and develop their scientific understanding. Through the use of longitudinal studies our pupils are able to explore and develop this curiosity in a real life context creating excitement and curiosity.

Within Science, each year group explores a key longitudinal study question throughout the year, for example, ‘Do we all live under the same sky?’ A longitudinal study book is kept to capture the learning linked to this.

Longitudinal study overview 2022-23

Continuous Provision

We always ensure we have slots to support Continuous Provision. For example something significant may be happening scientifically such as the first spacewalk led by two women astronauts;  this develops a culture where we ensure learning is relevant and connects to wider external issues.


Vocabulary has high focus and children are expected to develop a secure understanding of required scientific terms. We make smart links to morphology (structure of words) and etymology (the origin of words).

Learning episodes

Our Learning episodes ensure that pupils appreciate that they are ‘scientists’ and they are clear regarding the SLI (Scientific Learning Intent).

Retrieval practice

Our Learning episodes ensure that pupils appreciate that they are ‘scientists’ and they are clear regarding the SLI (Scientific Learning Intent).


Teachers are always mindful of inclusion and differentiation. Learning must meet the needs of all pupils.

Making connections to other subjects

We make smart links to Maths, English, Geography, History and Computing.

Continuous Provision and Longitudinal Studies support making connections.

Enabling learning environments

Every classroom, Year 1 – 6, has a designated Science learning wall that supports Science learning in class. Each learning wall has the same design and layout throughout the school to ensure a consistent approach, this includes clearly displaying our whole school Science principles.


All pupils will explore a wide range of resources to support their hands on scientific enquiries. Each unit of work has designation science box, stored in our resource cupboard, to support teaching and learning. These will be used frequently in learning episodes to build understanding of Science topics and how scientific learning connects to prior learning


Throughout the teaching of each Science strand, teachers assess against a pupil’s understanding using an online assessment tracker (Learning ladders).


To build Science Capital to support lifelong success as learners and citizens the curriculum at Temple Meadow must be experiential, hands on and imaginative. We value enrichment to support our values.


Trips and visits

Here at Temple Meadow, we aim to enrich Science learning through trips and visitors. For example, in EYFS, they have the animal person come onto the school site. This allows for pupils to gain a hands-on learning experience. Throughout KS1, other Science linked trips include Year 1 visiting the Bodenham Arboretum and Year 2 visiting Dudley Zoo. In KS2, Year 4 recently visited the Monkey Forest and Year 5 had a VAR workshop to experience ‘Space’ in an interactive way.

As part of our more able work, we take a select number of more able Science pupils from Years 3-6 to the Big Bang event each year.

Focus days

Every year, we hold a Science week across the school to celebrate the subject. During this week, pupils become experts in their classes on significant scientists – showcasing their new knowledge to the rest of the school through our door displays. Throughout the week, pupils take part in a range of enquiry based Science investigations, taught to them by a range of teachers at Temple Meadow.

During Science week, pupils also showcase home learning projects completed with adults at home during our Science fair.

Showcase of work

Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021