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Vision and intent for Art



Our aim at Temple Meadow is to make teaching and learning as enjoyable as we can. To that end, we adopt an Irresistible Learning approach to our curriculum – packaging learning in a way that allows us to create memorable and adaptable learning experiences which include all National Curriculum requirements.  

Art and Design is hugely important at Temple Meadow, our aim is to: inspire pupils to be highly creative; to be able to communicate creatively; to gain knowledge of significant and diverse artists, craft makers and designers; and to understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Cultural capital considerations for Art

Given our context linked to high levels of deprivation, we are aware of the high need to support development of Temple Meadow pupils’ cultural capital. This is key to their future success in their next stage of education and in future life. We plan to ensure that the experiences we provide through our Art and Design curriculum and by connecting learning across subjects, gives them confidence and the capacity to succeed in the future and to support a long term aspiration of all UK pupils achieving in society.

Implementation of Art

We ensure pupils gain a clear understanding of Art and Design skills by ensuring we allow for concrete and hands on learning as a means to develop skills. For example, to become confident in printing, skills will be practised and built on year-on-year so that pupils gain a secure understanding of printing skills.

National Curriculum coverage

We implement all NC expectations for Art and Design. At Temple Meadow we have generated commission based projects to support our ALI (Art and Design Learning Intentions) for each learning episode.

Art and Design commission based projects

We feel that Art and Design is best delivered around commission based projects in which pupils are fully engaged.  We therefore focus our Art and Design teaching around a commission with each learning episode building towards a final outcome.

Commission based projects ensure that we:

  • produce creative work
  • explore  ideas and record experiences,  becoming proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • gain knowledge of great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
  • improve engagement and focus
  • challenge and extend ideas and improve understanding
  • uphold our values  of a curriculum relevant to our diverse pupil community.

Strands and Long Term Plan

We have developed strands that allow pupils to develop knowledge and skills over time as they move through each year group. In Early Years KUW (Knowledge and Understanding of the World) area of learning includes Art and Design skills.  In Y1 - Y6 there we focus on sculpture, printing and collage each term, while drawing and painting are ongoing throughout all terms.

Art overview (Long Term Plan)

We have a detailed Long Term Plan (LTP) which maps the National Curriculum for Art and Design really clearly. Operationally the LTP is in the Art and Design Curriculum Folder. A snapshot is shown below:

Teacher view of the importance of Art

When designing our curriculum Teachers generated the following statements as to why they consider Art and Design so important at Temple Meadow.

Knowledge organisers

Our aim is for quality delivery and clarity of definitions throughout the school, supporting progression of knowledge and skills. Therefore, supporting each commission and for use in each learning episode there are agreed knowledge organisers.


Art and Design is taught as part of Irresistible Learning with a timetabled slot.  Art and Design focus in 3 half-terms across the year.

Learning episodes

Our Learning episodes ensure that pupils appreciate that they are 'Artists’ and 'Designers' and that they are clear regarding the ALI (Art and Design Learning Intent).

Retrieval practice

Learning episodes cater for knowledge and retrieval and support long term memory retention by retrieval of previous sessions and from sessions over time.


Vocabulary has high focus and children are expected to develop a secure understanding of required art terms including knowledge of Artists and Art movements. We make smart links to morphology (structure of words) and entymology (the origin of words).


All pupils will explore using a wide range of medium and techniques.  These will be used frequently in learning episodes to build skills towards creating a final outcome and in understanding of great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.


Teachers are always mindful of inclusion and differentiation. Learning must meet the needs of all pupils and be relevant to our diverse school community.

Making connections to other subjects

We make smart links to Maths, English, Science, History and Computing.

Enabling learning environments

Classrooms have an Art Learning Wall and supporting our values pupils have access to diversity kits that support skin tone.


Throughout the teaching of each Art and Design strand, teachers assess against a pupil’s understanding using an online assessment tracker (Learning Ladders). Throughout the academic year, these are updated based on pupil’s attainment.

This assessment is completed after the lesson has been taught, when the outcomes are being assessed.


To build Cultural Capital to support lifelong success as learners and citizens the curriculum at Temple Meadow must be experiential, hands on and imaginative. We value enrichment to support our values.


An after school Art Club is available for children across the school.

Focus days

Throughout the year, there are a range of days which can take advantage of Art. Some of these include:

  • Carnival Week
  • Black Country Day
  • Maths Week
  • Science Week.

The Art lead will provide year groups with appropriate resources to take advantage of these days/weeks.

Showcase of work





Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021