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Vision and intent for PE

Our aim at Temple Meadow is to make teaching and learning as enjoyable as we can. To that end, we adopt an Irresistible Learning approach to our curriculum – packaging learning in a way that allows us to create memorable and adaptable learning experiences which include all National Curriculum requirements.

Cultural capital considerations for PE

Given our context linked to high levels of deprivation, we are aware of the high need to support development of Temple Meadow pupils’ cultural capital. This is key to their future success in their next stage of education and in future life. We plan to ensure that the experiences we provide through our physical education curriculum and by connecting learning across subjects, gives them confidence and the capacity to succeed in the future and to support a long-term aspiration of all UK pupils achieving in society.

Implementation of PE

We ensure pupils gain a clear understanding of often complex concepts by ensuring we allow for concrete and hands on learning as a means to develop abstract understanding. For example, when learning about the human body in Science, children have the opportunity to describe how their bodies feel during exercise with PE lessons. Children have the opportunity to measure their pulse and relate this to the change between resting and exercise.  

National Curriculum coverage

We implement all NC expectations for PE. At Temple Meadow we have generated enquiry-based questions to support our PLI (Physical Education Learning Intentions) for each learning episode.

Strands and Long Term Plan 

We have developed strands that allow pupils to develop knowledge and skills over time as they move through each year group. These strands provide equal opportunities to experience all different units of PE: striking and fielding, invasion games and net and wall.

Teacher view of the importance of PE

Knowledge organisers

Knowledge and training videos are available on the PE Passport app for each unit.


PE is taught discreetly and there are clear timetable slots in all terms of the academic year.

It is recommended by the DFE that Primary School children receive a minimum of two hours physical activity per week.

At Temple Meadow children receive their recommened amount of physical activity


  • 1 hour taught P.E. lesson per week
  • Daily Mile Challenge (15 minutes recommended a day)
  • Irresistable lunchtimes which provide a wide range of sporting activites ( football, basketball, hockey, tag rugby, table tennis, tennis, parachute games, cycling, skipping, hooping, Yoga, dance, Netball, dodgeball)
  • Break time equipment boxes
  • Walk to School travel trackers to promote health and fitness and mental wellbeing.
  • Children who attend Forest School have a 2 hour session per week.
  • Three Year groups attend swimming lessons for half a term during the academic year.

P.E. focused after school clubs

Continuous provision

We always ensure we have slots to support Continuous Provision. For example, something significant may be happening that links to PE; this could be a World Cup, competition or significant sporting achievement. This develops a culture where we ensure learning is relevant and connects to wider external issues.

The Daily Mile is designed to develop student fitness levels and inspire students to active, with the aim of improving their physical, emotional and social health and well-being. It has a simple approach to help students get fit by running/walking or a combination of both for 15 minutes a day in school.

At Temple Meadow the children complete a Mile challenge in year groups linked to their L4L topic ‘Fit4Life’. The children aim to beat their individual and collective score on a weekly basis.


Vocabulary has high focus and children are expected to develop a secure understanding of required PE terms. We make smart links to morphology (structure of words) and entymology (the origin of words).


All pupils will use the relevant PE resources for the unit they are being taught. All resources will be appropriate for the needs of all children to support inclusion and allow each child to access the physical education curriculum.

All PE resources/equipment will be stored in the PE sheds outside the dance studio. Resources will be monitored regularly to ensure they are fit for purpose.

Learning episodes

Our Learning episodes ensure that pupils appreciate the importance of PE and they are clear regarding the PLI (Physical Education Learning Intent). Learning episodes are pre-planned on the PE Passport app.

Retrieval practice

Learning episodes cater for knowledge and retrieval and support long term memory retention by retrieval of previous sessions and from sessions over time. The children will be asked to recall knowledge from previous PE units, which will then support their understanding when acquiring new skills.


The equality Act 2010 makes clear that schools must make reasonable adjustment for children with disabilities or an aspect of their disability that enables them to access a full a programme of education including PE as possible. The Equality Act 2010 defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activies Many children who have SEND may have a disability according to this definition. Long term is a year or more and substantial is more than minor or trivial. Sensory impairment such as those that affect sigh or hearing and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer are all included in this definition. Children with these conditions don’t necessarily have SEN but the overlap between disabled student and those with SEND is significant.

Education Health and Care Plans

All children with a plan should have careful consideration as to how they will access the PESSPA.

Wheelchair users

Considerations would be taken alongside the pupil and parent, to decide if it is possible and safe for them to access PESSPA. An individual risk assessment may be required to allow them to play an active role in PESSPA sessions.

Teachers are always mindful of inclusion and differentiation. Learning must meet the needs of all pupils. Teachers will appropriately source specific equipment needed to support the needs of any children to access the PE curriculum.

Differentiated sized basket balls are available to ensure that when the basketball unit is being taught, the children have the appropriate sized ball for their age group.

Making connections to other subjects

We make smart links to Science and Geography.


Each unit of PE will have different skill-based criteria for the children to work towards. Teachers will assess children on Learning Ladders in line with the school’s assessment policy. Photographic and video evidence can be referred to on PE passport to support assessment decisions.

Regular feedback opportunities will be built into SLT agendas. This will enable the PE lead to share exported data from Learning Ladders.


To build Cultural Capital to support lifelong success as learners and citizens the curriculum at Temple Meadow must be experiential, hands on and imaginative. We value enrichment to support our values.



KS1 Football Festival Spring 2 2022

KS2 Dodgeball Tournament Spring 2 2022


Focus days

-Sports Day (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)

- Sports/Comic Relief

-Olympic Games

- Fit4Life

-Euro Football Tournament

-Most Able Events

-Athlete Visits

-Commonwealth Games

Showcase of work

Accordion content


Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021