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Learning 4 Life

Vision and intent for Learning 4 Life

Our aim at Temple Meadow is to make teaching and learning as enjoyable as we can. To that end, we adopt an Irresistible Learning approach to our curriculum – packaging learning in a way that allows us to create memorable and adaptable learning experiences in line with statutory guidance.   At Temple Meadow we believe that L4L develops the knowledge, skills and attributes pupils need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepares them for life and work. Our curriculum intention is to develop pupils’ skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking.

Cultural capital considerations for Learning 4 Life

Given our context linked to high levels of deprivation, we are aware of the need to support the development of Temple Meadow pupils’ cultural capital. This is key to their future success in their next stage of eduction and in future life. We plan to ensure that the experiences we provide through our L4L curriculum, and by connecting learning across subjects, gives them confidence and the capacity to succeed in the future and to support a long term aspiration of all U.K. pupils achieving in society.

Implementation of Learning 4 Life

Learning 4 Life is delivered whole school through discrete timetabled slots each week. These sessions encompass pupil voice alongside the delivery of our Learning 4 Life curriculum. Each unit of work is divided into 5 learning episodes, all which have a title, teaching sequence and outcome.  One episode does not equate to one lesson, and may be completed over a series of lessons.

National Curriculum and statutory requirements

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the new national curriculum.

PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription.

Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, 2019’ which encompasses drug education, financial education, relationship and sex education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils, and relationships and sex education (RSE) is compulsory for all secondary school pupils.

Sandwell have produced their own RSHE curriculum. At Temple Meadow we have decided not to implement this and instead adapt the guidance, embedding objectives into our own L4L curriculum. See our RSHE page for more information.

Sandwell are also in the process of creating a Health education in line with the RSHE guidance. Once released to schools, we will review this and decide how best to integrate this into our Temple Meadow Curriculum.

Strands and Long Term Plan

We have developed strands that allow pupils to develop knowledge and skills over time as they move through each year group. In Early Years the PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) area of learning includes L4L skills.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

L4L unit of work

Proud to be me

(diversity and differences)

Be safe, be kind

(e-safety and anti-bullying)

Fit for Life

(healthy eating and fitness)

Perfect Planet

(Eco and sustainability)

Perfect Planet

(Eco and sustainability)

Aiming High

(goals and ambitions)

Protective behaviours

(Network hands, EWS, personal safety)


L4L is taught discreetly and there is a clear timetable slot weekly.

Learning episodes 

Our Learning episodes ensure that pupils appreciate a key focus and start with a title e.g. I am unique, I have the right to feel safe all of the time.

Continuous provision

Our pupil voice part of the lesson ensures time for continuous provision. For example something significant may be happening such as the recent Black Lives Matter movement;  this develops a culture where we ensure pupils have the opportunity to discuss news events and connects their learning to wider external issues.


Vocabulary has high focus across school. Our Learning 4 Life episodes provide opportunities for pupils to explore key vocabulary at an age appropriate level. In line with the National Curriculum and the RSHE statutory guidance, we do use the correct names for all body parts (such as penis, testicles, vagina, breast etc) starting in Nursey.


Pupils will have the opportunity to use a range of resources to enhance their learning e.g. a range of texts, puppets, videos. Resources are kept in the L4L cupboard in the KS1 corridor.


Vocabulary has high focus across school. Our Learning 4 Life episodes provide opportunities for pupils to explore key vocabulary at an age appropriate level.

Making connections to other subjects

We make smart links to English, Science, Computing and Art.

Continuous Provision also supports connections.

Enabling learning environments and diversity toolkits

Each classroom is equipped with a Diversity Toolkit, ensuring that pupils always have access to rescources, promoting belonging and acceptance e.g. skin tone pencil crayons, texts about diversity, puppets etc.


There is no formal assessment of L4L. Instead, it is assessed using a range of Assessment for Learning strategies. Key themes are revisited to meet pupil and/or cohort needs. Subject standards are monitored termly through learning walks, pupil voice and deep dives into evidence books and planning. Outcomes from this monitoring are shared with SLT and termly reports are provided to the Governing Body.


To build Cultural Capital to support lifelong success as learners and citizens the curriculum at Temple Meadow must be experiential, hands on and imaginative. We value enrichment to support our values.


Throughout the year, there are opportunities for visitors to come into school to enhance our L4L curriculum. These may be for the whole school or for targeted year groups. Such visitors include:

  • The school nurse
  • DECCA team
  • Loudmouth
  • SHAPE team
  • PCSO/local police
  • People in different careers

Outdoor learning 

Through some themes e.g. sustainability and fit for life, there are opportunities for pupils to take part in outdoor learning and activities.

Focus days

Focus days or weeks may be planned throughout the year to provide irresistible teaching and learning opportunities and to promote a key aspect of the L4L curriculum. These are planned into the school calendar and communicated with parents.

Contact Us

Temple Meadow Primary School
Wrights Lane
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 6RH

01384 569 021